Saturday, November 27, 2010

Poor, Poor Monkey

On November 25, 2010, The Globe and Mail hosted a screening of the 2010 Cannes Lions advertising winners at the Eglinton Grand Theatre. And while there were many laugh-filled (and sometimes, tear-inducing) ads that won at Cannes, I wanted to share my personal favourite. I define "favourite" as the ad that stayed with me the longest - the one that, even after a few days, I can still remember vividly.

That ad is the World Wildlife Fund Australia's "Space Monkey" viral video by Leo Burnett Sydney. The ad won a Gold Lion in Cannes. It's a video that is long, drags during some parts, and yet remains strangely compelling to watch. The surreal visuals, combined with an almost hypnotic soundtrack, carries you through to a startling and unexpected ending. What an experience!

What do you think? Is this ad really Cannes material? Does it change the way you think about your behaviour, about our planet? Most importantly, does it make you want to change some of your actions?

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